
Slim Plum 纖之梅 - 強效新配方 (UPDATED)
Slim Plum 纖之梅 - 強效新配方 (UPDATED)
Slim Plum 纖之梅 - 強效新配方 (UPDATED)
Slim Plum 纖之梅 - 強效新配方 (UPDATED)

Slim Plum 纖之梅 - 強效新配方 (UPDATED)

定價 HK$156.00
單價  每 

「天然良品 - 纖之梅強效新配方」使用天然草本植物,加入有助暢便、排毒、收腩、消化、消脂、降脂的成份,功效顯著。產品不但在台灣生產,更通過香港化驗所檢測,符合「香港食物安全法例」對重金屬、防腐剷、農藥及塑化剷相關法例,以及被澳門特別行政區政府衛生局界定為可銷售食品類別,產品質素更加有保證。

  • 活性乳酸菌及綠茶幫助暢便及排毒,增加腸道蠕動及有助排便
  • 澱粉分解酵素及脂肪分解酵素幫助維持腸道健康,促進消化
  • 半乳寡糖能改善及維持腸道健康
  • 甲殼素能阻止油脂吸收,達至修腰、收腩效果

"Greenway - Slim Plum", which is made of natural herbs, with ingredients are used for bowel movement, detoxify, waist trimming, digestion as well as fat limitation. Slim Plum has passed through chemical test by a Hong Kong laboratory; comply with the objective standards to heavy metal, preservation, pesticide and plasticizer that have evolved in the Food Safety Ordinance. Moreover, Health Bureau in Macau has graded Slim Plum as food level. Product quality is guaranteed!

  • Active Lactobacillus and Green Tea help to clean-up your intestinal system, enrich intestinal peristalsis and defecation.
  • Amylolytic enzyme and Lipolytic enzyme help to maintain intestine health and promote digestion.

  • Galactooligosaccharide can improve and maintain intestine health.
  • Chitosan can prevent grease absorption and trim waist.
    • Active Lactobacillus and Green Tea help to clean-up your intestinal system, enrich intestinal peristalsis and defecation.
    • Galactooligosaccharide can improve and maintain intestine health.
    • Amylolytic enzyme and Lipolytic enzyme help to maintain intestine health and promote digestion.
    • Chitosan can prevent grease absorption and trim waist.
    • 活性乳酸菌及綠茶幫助排毒及暢便,增加腸道蠕動及有助排便
    • 半乳寡糖能改善及維持腸道健康
    • 澱粉分解酵素及脂肪分解酵素幫助維持腸道健康,促進消化
    • 甲殼素能阻止油脂吸收,達至修腰、收腩效果
    1. This product is made from a natural herbal plant mixed with Chitosan, Lactobacillus, Green Tea Powder, Pu Erh Tea. It helps to clean up the stomach and digestive system.
    2. One sachet once per day is recommended (after lunch or after dinner). Then drink at least a cup of water.
    3. For weight-conscious, brew the plum for 15 minutes with warm water, then enjoy it with the plum.
    4. Peristaltic formed by the Lactobacillus in the intestine will promote bowel movement.
    5. If taken in the morning, the bowel movement happens at night, and vice versa. The actual intensity varies from different person.
    1. 本產品屬天然草本植物添加甲殼素、乳酸菌、綠茶粉、普洱茶,有助腸道排毒,清宿便及消脂、降脂。
    2. 建議每天食用1次,每次1顆,然後飲至少一杯水;無食用時間限制,可於午餐及晚餐後依個人習慣而定。
    3. 關注體重人士可於飯前用溫水沖泡15分鐘後,將水連梅一起享用。
    4. 食用本產品有助排便,是因為乳酸菌所分泌的有機酸物質,促進腸道蠕動。
    5. 早上食,晚上排;晚上食,早上排;而排便次數多寡則因個人體質不同而有所差異。


    1. Keep out of reach of children.
    2. Do not swallow the kernel.
    3. Unsuitable for pregnant women, children, and frail persons with indigestion or ulcers.
    4. Please consult your doctor if there are any questions.
    5. Store upright in cool place.


    1. 避免兒童接觸。
    2. 食用時請吐出梅核,避免鯁住。
    3. 孕婦、幼兒、體弱者、消化性潰瘍者,不宜食用。
    4. 若有疑問,食用前請諮詢醫生意見。
    5. 存放於陰涼處。

    Slim Plum produced by Greenway.
    The only one pass through chemical test by a Hong Kong laboratory; comply with objective standards to heavy metal, preservation, pesticide, and plasticizer that have evolved in the Food Safety Ordinance.